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M 'art' ch Madness


What Is M ‘art’ ch Madness?

Do you know anyone between age 5 and 18 who would love to win a pair of AirPods? That’s what K-12 students may win by entering our M’art’ch Madness competition! Sponsored by the Arts for Life Utah initiative and the professional arts organizations across the state of Utah, M’art’ch Madness is a multidisciplinary art competition that invites students to submit a work of art on the theme Arts for Life. Submissions from drama, dance, visual art, music, and literary arts are accepted. How Do I Get Started? We created prompts to help get the creative juices flowing:

  • Fill in the blank: COVID is _________ but the arts are __________.

  • Complete the sentence: Because of the arts ______________.

  • How is art a cure?

  • ResiliART: How does art help you be resilient in your life?

See full submission details at

How Does M ‘art’ch Madness Support Teachers?

The professional arts education organizations in Utah that are sponsoring this initiative (UMEA, UDEO, UAEA, and UACTT) have created Canvas courses for teachers to help students consider why art matters and prepare them to participate in the competition.Find these modules and assignments in the resources section of the AFLU website. When and How Are Submissions Due?

The short answer: March 1, 2021. Submissions can be emailed to or submitted via direct message on the Instagram platform @artsforlifeutah. Submissions must be digital (.mp3, .mp4, .mov, ,jpg, .jpeg, etc.) less than 4 GB and less than a minute if it’s a video or audio recording. Find art form specific submission details on the Arts for Life Utah website.

Who Will Judge the Submissions? Board members of the arts organizations across Utah, including the Utah Dance Education Organization, the Utah Music Educators Association, the Utah Advisory Council of Theatre Teachers, and the Utah Art Education Association will select 16 finalists across all art forms. Selections will be determined by the quality of work and connection to the theme. The 16 finalists will be announced a week before voting opens on March 22nd on the Arts for Life Utah Instagram page.

Finalists will be published on the @artsforlifeutah Instagram story in pairs and viewers will be able to vote for their favorite! Each day the previous day's winners will be paired until we have a final winner on March 27th. Additionally, one winner will be selected from each art form (dance, visual art, music, and theatre). The grand prize winner will receive a pair of AirPods in the mail!

Join with us in celebrating the importance of the arts. We are grateful to collaborate with Arts for Life and eagerly anticipate your students’ submissions! Find complete contest information at

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