Canvas Modules
Why Does Art Matter? (January - March)
Visual Art canvas module created by Anna Davis, Past-President of UAEA
Why Theatre? From AFLU and UACTT
Theatre canvas module created by Mindy Curtis, President of UACTT
Why Does Dance Matter? From AFLU and UDEO
Dance canvas module created by Heather Francis, Advocacy Director for UDEO
Why Music? From AFLU & UMEA
Music canvas module created by Rhonda Rhodes, Past-President of UMEA
Canvas courses have been published by each of our partner organizations to support students in their contemplation of what art means to them, why they create art, and to create a social media post and work of art to reflect their thoughts. The works of art produced as part of these assignments would make great submissions for the M’art’ch Madness Digital Art Competition as each module includes an extension activity to submit to the competition.
How to find the modules:
Visit the Canvas Creative Commons and search for the following module titles or authors to import the module into your current courses. Searching for the author first may be the quickest way to find the module.
M'art'ch Madness Canvas Modules
Visit the Canvas Creative Commons and search for the following module titles or authors to import the module into your current courses. Searching for the author first may be the quickest way to find the module.