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  • artsforlifeutah

Deadline Extended for M'art'ch Madness!

The M’art’ch Madness competition is underway, and we are thrilled with the submissions we have received so far. A few teachers have requested a deadline extension to support their students with works in progress, therefore we have announced the new submission deadline of March 15th.

What is the M’art’ch Madness Competition?

The M’art’ch Madness art competition is designed for K-12 students, and gives them a unique opportunity to share what the arts means to them digitally through their own works of art. The Arts for Life Utah Initiative is focused on sharing the social and emotional impact of the arts in schools and M’art’ch Madness was created to help students share their experiences.

Submissions from any art form are acceptable, including dance, drama, music, theatre, and literary arts. Submissions on the theme “Arts for Life” are still being accepted.

Canvas modules in each art form designed for classroom use are also available for teachers. These Canvas courses help students reflect on what art means to them personally and prepares students to create digital works of art in the visual and/or performing arts. Find more details at

Dates to know

March 15th - Deadline for Submissions

March 16th - Submissions posted on

March 20th - 16 finalists posted on the @artsforlifeutah Instagram and Facebook account

March 23rd - Bracket-style voting begins on social media

March 27th - Grand prize winner is announced! Winners in each form will also be selected by a panel of judges.

Remember, the grand prize winner is determined by votes on Instagram so you’ll want to share @artsforlifeutah with peers, students, family, and friends!

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